Income Tax Preparation

We prepare personal income tax returns for individuals with all types of income including business, farming, rental and investment income. We also prepare tax returns for corporations, estates, partnerships and trusts.

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Businesses are required to maintain books and records detailing their accounting transactions. We can assist you with your own bookkeeping system or prepare your bookkeeping for you.

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Tax and Estate Planning

Minimizing your income tax liability requires careful planning and preparation. With over 40 years of experience in tax and estate planning, we can help you minimize your annual income tax liability.

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Year End Accounting & Financial Statements

We prepare year end financial statements on a compilation and review engagement basis.

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Purchase, Sale & Start up of Business

Whether you are purchasing, selling or starting a new business, we can help you plan the process to minimize income taxes and accomplish your individual objectives.

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Trust & Estate Tax Returns

We prepare income tax returns for estates and trusts including family and alter ego trusts.

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